Monday, February 20, 2012

My first post

My first post. Where to start? Do I jump right in where I stand today or do I start where my life did a belly flop instead of a swan dive? I think this very question is what has kept me from posting anything at all. Even when I start with today, there is so much to explain. I guess I need to decide if I am writing for a reader or writing for me. In my daily life I'm very concerned with the "reader" or the perception/feelings of others. I read some blogs that are much like a daily newspaper. I don't think I could keep up with something like that. I would immediately sense my failure for not keeping up and then quit all together. This needs to be more relaxed, maybe random even. Really, If the readers don't understand something, they could always ask for an explanation. And since I'm talking about readers, I might add that my preference is that if you know me in real life then you don't read here. I guess I would like an audience but not one that could actually see me at work, church or in my home. I'm not sure how to control that factor though. Is there a way to make people have to request an invitation to read beyond my profile and first post... Hmmm. I think I need that question answered. Well, my first post is written. There she is. I'm not gonna lie, this makes me nervous. But then again, what doesn't make me nervous these days!